Arisha, der Bär und der steinerne Ring (1992)
Arisha, der Bär und der steinerne Ring的剧情简介· · · · · ·How can you not love a movie where the man dressed as Santa's only comment on why is "if you can't beat them, join them". Wim Wenders has made a perfect short about an open minded view on life where no one is a stranger in this roadmovie sliced from "reality"grey-skied German highways. It is also a perfect reminder of that an open mind can lead to so many great things or just a welcome break from everyday routines. The cast is excellent all the way from the distracted working mother to the hitch-hiking extras and as the "bear" we have an all time Wenders favourite -the man who's calm face in itself has a thousand stories to tell. Don't miss this little German gem, it's warmhearted and funny and you will definitely not forget it!